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2024 March Newsletter

ELTENI'S CYBER SCOOP Latest News In this newsletter, we highlight the Compliance issues with the SEC’s rule on material incident disclosure, The Department of Justice's continued efforts to combat the exploitation of widespread vulnerabilities and the increased sophistication of deepfake cyber incidents. REGULATORY CORNER Companies are not complying with the new SEC cybersecurity incident rule

2024 February Newsletter

ELTENI'S CYBER SCOOP Latest News In this newsletter, we highlight the FINRA regulatory oversight report, law enforcement continuing their crackdown on cyber criminals and the impact of Artificial Intelligence on cybersecurity. REGULATORY CORNER FINRA Publishes 2024 Regulatory Oversight Report In January, FINRA published their 2024 Annual Regulatory Oversight Report, which was formally known as the

2024 January Newsletter

ELTENI'S CYBER SCOOP Latest News In this newsletter, we uncover an SEC Director’s op-ed on disclosure rules. A major international cybersecurity crackdown by law enforcement. The SEC op-ed on disclosure rules. REGULATORY CORNER SEC Director of Corporation Finance weighs in on Cybersecurity Disclosures Rules The Director of the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance provided his

2023 December Newsletter

  ELTENI'S CYBER SCOOP Latest News In this newsletter, we uncover additional regulatory rules being approved for Clearing Agencies. Also, the numbers are in, and enforcement actions are up, including SEC settled charges against a broker-dealer and a software company for allegedly providing misleading information regarding cyber incidents. Lastly, the proposed cybersecurity rules for RIAs

2023 November Newsletter

  ELTENI'S CYBER SCOOP Latest News In this newsletter, we uncover a major cybersecurity revelation. The SEC has taken action against SolarWinds Corporation and its CISO, Timothy G. Brown, for alleged fraud and internal control lapses tied to cybersecurity risks. Want to download this in pdf? Enter the password from the email you received.

Next Generation Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware, the word alone evokes fear into many companies. How did this form of crime actually start? In 1989, Dr. Joseph L. Popp created the first ransomware called the "AIDS Trojan." This trojan virus encrypted files on a computer after rebooting a number of times. Fast forward to 2006, Archiveus, a computer virus that affected

What is Ethical Hacking? Everything You Need to Know About Ethical Hacking—With Examples

Our founder Anand Mohabir was interviewed by Kindra Cooper, from Springboard, on the topic of Ethical hacking. “There’s a lot that comes into play when you’re trying to become an ethical hacker. You have to know how a network is designed and operated, how servers interact, how virtual machines, storage and firewalls work,” said Mohabir.

Cayman Islands Investment firm exposes sensitive client information!

A Cayman Islands investment firm's backups stored in a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage was not secured properly thus resulting in a potential leak of personal banking information, individual passport data, and other sensitive information. A researcher discovered the gaping hole left open by the firm’s Hong Kong based IT provider via a special search engine

Three UK-based Private Equity firms lose 1.3 million dollars to cyber criminals

  The team at Check Point identified that cyber criminals - dubbed the Florentine Banker - targeted three Private Equity firms and stole over $1.3 million dollars, with only about half the money recovered. The cyber criminals launched an email spear-phishing campaign targeting executives, and other high-profile employees in an attempt to gain access to

Are you considering fleeing Zoom? Don’t be so quick to do so.

Zoom has been under the spotlight over the past few weeks due to privacy and security issues. They were served with a class-action lawsuit over its data sharing practices, and come under scrutiny from the New York Attorney General’s Office. Headlines like this may make you want to “Zoom” for the hills, but hit the

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